“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
The Road to College
College selection has become increasingly more complicated. Rising tuition costs, narrowing admissions rates, and a myriad of majors and schools make the process overwhelming for students and parents. At a time in adolescent development when decision-making is already challenging, why not hire a guide on the side to help you make sense of it all?
At Lowney College Consulting, my primary goal is to guide students methodically through the college selection process so the road they choose is one they can travel with confidence. Students learn to:
embrace their gifts and talents
match skills and interests with career goals
identify academic pathways for success
build balanced college lists
strategically tell their story through their essays and application
make sound decisions based on affordability, fit, and feel.
Learning life skills along the way is as much a part of the process as the ultimate college choice.